How do I search VisionCite?
VIsionCite is a citation only database which indexes articles from over 110 vision science periodicals. It may contain citations for older and more specialized optometric literature that may otherwise be unavailable or difficult to find in places like SUNYOptSearch, Google Scholar, and PubMed.
To search VisionCite:
- Visit:
- Click the magnifying glass next to the search box and select VisionCite from the menu that opens up
- Submit your search
Please note that VisionCite no longer provides full text links to articles. Any links you see may not work.
To get the full text of an article you find in VisionCite:
- Copy the title of the article and search for it in SUNYOptSearch
- If you can't find the article in SUNY-Opt Search, look at the citation in VisionCite to find out the name of the journal the article is in, search for the journal in SUNY-Opt Search (make sure you spell out the entirety of the journal's name), and locate the article on the journal's website
- If you have trouble finding both the article AND the journal that the article is in in SUNY-Opt Search check Google Scholar or Google.
See our VisionCite guide for more in-depth instructions on how to use VisionCite.